“It’s capitalism, stupid!”: The crisis and the owing debt to overthrow them: A polite response to the praetorians of Memorandums
We are not unaware of the “friendly” rebuttal used by the people in the opposite camp with full stomachs. With subtle class irony, while dancing their establishment waltz, they claim that the prospects of a Greece and a world without expoiters and oppressed, without rich and poor, without capitalist bosses and wage-earning slaves is, at best, quixotic and utopian. In an equally “friendly” way, we reply: “A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not even worth looking at, because it leaves out the only country in which humanity will always be able to land. And when it lands, it looks beyond and, seeing a better country, heads toward it. Progress is the realisation of one Utopia after the other.” This utopian course toward the re-creation and rebirth of Greece and the world will certainly not be easy. But it is a course infinitely easier and – from the point of view of results – plainly more realistic than the dead end of the incalculable, futile and unbearable sacrifices to which the people and country are being subjected so that the plutocrats and their decadent political system will come out ahead. This true socialist road of development is the only mature and realistic demand of the times to which, if the people ever want it, their destiny will submit.